Level 3 Health & Social Care and 15 Care Certificate Standards, Reed UK; Diploma in Caregiving at Alison UK, On The Job Training/Internship at GSM Medical Center as Carer and Healthcare Assistant, visited care homes, learned various practical skills; First Aid Training Certificate; Certificate of Social Award, Khansaheb Employee Charity Foundation Employee Member; IELTS IDP UKVI General Training English Test Certificate Total Band Score of 6.5; NBI Clearance Certificate; GSM Reference Letter; Safeguarding Adults L1 & 2; Working in a Person Centered Way, Fluids & Nutrition, Understanding Your Role, Duty of Care, Florence Academy UK Certificates
My hobbies are volunteering in various charity /community events and golf tournaments in UAE, Saudi and UK with a strong passion in helping others, meeting people with different culture and making a positive impact in the lives of others. Also, I enjoy baking/cooking and learning new recipe, playing volleyball, bowling, yoga and reading motivational books during free time.
Mentoring colleagues and other team members in various departments
Certificate of Social Award -Demonstrated values such as Do The Right Thing, Bring Better to Life, Take Pride In What You Do, Everyone Has A Voice; Employee of the Month Award; Received Certificate for Internship (300 hours) from GSM Medical Center as Carer which I believe is a valuable achievement as I have learned various practical and transferable skills
My career aspirations are to go above and beyond what is expected of me, contribute to the success of the company in achieving its mission and take ownership of my professional development.