Skills Provision epitomises ethical recruitment or as we call it ‘fully inclusive’.
Our clients provide us with detailed briefs, who they specifically want to employ. We obviously take these requests seriously, or do we? I guess the honest answer is we do, and we don’t.
Our pledge is to provide the best people for any given position, that is a complicated task, measuring the best, factors can include:
Those that retrospectively meet these criteria are not necessarily the strongest candidates at the outset.
Then, to complicate matters further we have the inclusive subject, this may involve:
Let me be clear here, we do not discriminate, even if our clients request we do.
We simply produce inclusive lists of suitable people and place them into our highly rated, Client Zones. In these areas there are many elements and scoring metrics, we also provide professional opinions. Then it is down to the employer, to select who they want to hire.
Our unique approach to recruitment is being well received, we are making people think more deeply about who they select and why.
The net result of our ethical approach is we are reducing manpower churn rates and lowering the cost of hire, which for large companies can be a lot of money.
If you would like more information on our unique approach to recruitment, please email or utilise one of our website forms. A member of our Support Team will be on-hand to deal with your enquiry in a prompt, professional and confidential manner.