Advance Search

Collaborative software is becoming a popular term within the corporate sector. The 2 main players in this area are Microsoft Teams and Slack.

Of course, collaborative software has many uses. In 2015 Skills Provision introduced it into the recruitment sector.

The aim of our bespoke software is to place short listed candidates and all their supporting documentation into one secure and branded location.

Our Client Zone simplifies placement tasks for international, national and local recruitment. It also dramatically reduces the amount of email transmissions.

Feedback from those using our Client Zone is very encouraging. One of our core aims is to utilise modern technology to improve the recruitment process, an area we are making a lot of progress in.

If you would like more details of our software suite please email or utilise one of our website forms.

Trusted By

  • DB
  • Jaguar
  • PNU
  • Cognizant
  • Pepsioman
  • wf