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Provision Plus is a manpower support package tailor-made for international businesses.

Services include:

  • Full assessment of hiring strategies, including modifications
  • Onboarding and HR services
  • Advice on salaries and packages
  • Assessment of manpower-based policies
  • Corporate succession planning
  • Assessment of job descriptions and job specifications
  • Support on visas
  • Assessment of manpower churn rates
  • Manpower development planning
  • Full assessment of manpower-based technological systems

Companies that sign up for our Provision Plus package are generally those that struggle with manpower related subjects. Rather than maintaining the status quo they decide to take proactive steps.

Problem areas include:

  • High churn rates
  • Ineffective technological systems
  • No succession plans
  • Poorly documented or no job descriptions/specifications
  • Financial losses
  • No hiring strategies in place
  • Over-stretched HR departments

Senior consultants at Skills Provision have a wealth of experience, if needed they have the capability to operate at Board level, implementing new strategies that make a material difference to a company. Corporate growth and expansion needs to be supplemented by effective corporate systems, more often than not opportunities are lost due to manpower restrictions.

Client feedback indicates our support package is working extremely well.

If you would like more information on our Provision Plus package please make contact at the earliest opportunity, you can do so by emailing or utilise one of our website forms.

Please note all enquiries are dealt with in a prompt, professional and confidential manner.

Trusted By

  • DB
  • Jaguar
  • PNU
  • Cognizant
  • Pepsioman
  • wf