Chef seeking work in UK and Europe


With a blend of passion, creativity, and extensive culinary expertise, I am well suited for the role of a chef. My journey in the culinary world has been characterized by a deep seated love for the crafting delicious and visually appealing dishes, coupled with a relentless pursuit of excellence. I bring years of experience honed in diverse culinary environments, where I have demonstrated my ability to lead teams, innovate recipes, and maintain impeccable standards of quality. Whether its executing intricate techniques or improvising under pressure, my adaptability and commitment to delivery exceptional dinning experiences make me an ideal candidate for the chef position.

Serial No: 193142
Skills keywords: chef de partie, commis chef, continental european food, demi chef, indian cuisine

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Masters in luxury brand management (Ravensbourne university London) 2023- Present
Bachelor's in Hotel management (Kerala University India) 2018-2021
Diploma in culinary arts ( institute of hotel management and catering technology, Trivandrum, India) 2016

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Interests & Hobbies:

creating new fusion foods
fruit carving
drawing pictures
Platting dishes
reading books
listening music
video and photo editing
playing football and cricket.

Current location:  United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Spoken languages: english, Hindi
