Advance Search

Listed below are a few general guidelines for those interested in working internationally.

International Workers

Decision Making

Working internationally will not suit everyone. Whilst people are lured by high earnings there are often unseen issues. If you are thinking of applying for an international job, consider how it will impact your quality of life, and that of your family.


Not all qualifications are internationally recognised; carry out detailed research to identify if remedial action is necessary.By taking all the necessary steps, you will ensure your qualifications are viewed favourably by your prospective employer.


  • Be honest, don’t hide or omit anything, disclose your date of birth, gender and medical issues
  • Spell and grammar check the document, it needs to be accurate
  • We strongly advocate the attachment of a head and shoulders photograph
  • Make sure all your contact details are correct
  • Add a Skype address, if you have one
  • Tailor the document to the position by carefully wording the profile and summary
  • Add website links to previous employment
  • Work experience should be listed with the most recent at the top
  • Unless truly relevant omit early career experiences
  • Include language and IT skills
  • Only list 2 levels of education
  • Keep social interests to a minimum
  • Keep the document brief, maximum 2 pages
  • Avoid the use of acronyms


Here are some things to consider:

  • Are there age restrictions?
  • Are there language requirements?
  • Do you need to have skills recognised in your target country?
  • Would pictures of my work help?
  • Is a Police check required?
  • What about your health, would you pass a vigorous medical?
  • Is your passport in date? (Ideally it should have 2 years left before expiry)


Familiarise yourself with visa regulations for your chosen country. If you are unsure of the country you intend to work in, we advise you to make sure your passport is in date. As soon as you know your target location, carry out all the necessary research regarding the application for a visa.

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  • DB
  • Jaguar
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  • Cognizant
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  • wf