International Employment Consultants

International employment consultants are generally experienced players in the recruitment sector. These specialists have the ability to take an employer’s job description and produce detailed placement plans. Following on from this sourcing and filtering stages are worked though until the desired number of overseas candidates are placed.


International consultants at Skills Provision take this process a step further by checking all the required documentation as well as:

  • Collating references
  • Arranging language tests
  • Booking police checks
  • Verifying trade qualifications
  • Arranging medicals
  • Carrying out pre-interviews

At Skills Provision the administrative work does not stop there. Following on from a successful candidate interview:

  • Formal contracts are signed
  • Travel arrangements are made
  • Accommodation is booked
  • Airport pick-up is arranged
  • Start dates are agreed

As you can see, there are many tasks associated with employing migrant labour. The positive side for those empowering Skills Provision is every aspect is professionally catered for. We also protect the employer’s interests by offering a free 30-day replacement policy, in the unlikely event of unforeseen problems.

Employment consultants at Skills Provision play an important role in delivering our corporate mission statement, that being to place the right people into the right jobs with the minimum of fuss.

If you would like more details on the work our international employment consultant carry out please email or utilise one of our website forms.

A member of our Support Team will be on-hand to deal with your enquiry in a prompt, professional and confidential manner.
