Recruiter and Manager Seeking Work in UK


I am currently working at JPMorgan Chase & Co. for almost 14 years. I am a seasoned Team Manager and Recruiter. My work experience includes handling a team of at least 20 employees for 9 years. Presently working as a Recruitment Specialist for over one year.
I am looking for a greener pasture in terms of compensation to be able to provide for my family. I am a determined and highly independent woman. Resilient, detail-oriented and highly adaptable to change and growth. I am looking for an employer who will sponsor Visa application. I am looking for a long term job and I value stability, security and higher compensation.
I am positive you can find a position for me with the vast experience I have and with the kind of loyalty I can offer to my new employer.

Serial No: 187714
Skills keywords: customer relationship management, customer service, recruitment, supervisory experience

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Lead by Example, Confident, Team Handling, Able to motivate others, Great in Communication Skills, Able to provide feedback, Recruitment of candidates, Interviewing Skills, Planning and Organizing, Problem Solving, Managing Conflict.

Previous Employment Details:

I am presently employed at JPMorgan Chase & Co. for almost fourteen years now. I am sharing with you my work experience within the firm.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Talent Acquisition Specialist: Aug. 2022- Present
I conduct interviews, hire and help onboard employees.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Account Supervisor: March 2013 - Aug. 2022
I have handled at least 20 employees for the the last nine years working as an Account Supervisor.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Customer Service Specialist - March 2010 - March 2013
I took calls for three years as a Customer Service Representative before I got promoted as an Account Supervisor.

With my work experience, if given a chance, I can definitely contribute to the company I will soon be employed. It will be a win win situation.

Interests & Hobbies:

Team Handling
Planning and Organizing
Coaching and Mentoring
Reading Books
I like to host an event.
Counseling employees
I am homebody.
I like to run outdoors.
Observe people in the beach or park.

Current location:  MIMAROPA, Philippines - View on map
Nationality: Filipino
Spoken languages: english
