Experienced lifting specialist, 25 years experience


25 years as and experienced Mobile Crane and Lifting Specialist. Having started at the bottom and worked in most aspects of the crane industry in able to be an expert. Sales Rep, Depot Supervisor, Safety management, Senior Mobile Crane Inspector, Project Manager, Branch Manager, Regional Manager

Serial No: 190422
Skills keywords: health and safety, mobile crane, regional manager

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Regional Manager
Wits Business School MAP NQF level8 Post Graduate Certificate (Mini MBA)
HIRA - Hazard Identification Risk Assessment Certificate
Incident Investigation Certificate
Nosa Samtrac SHEQ Nebosh equivelent
Mobile crane inspector and Load testing
Matric senior Certificate - High School Certificat

Previous Employment Details:

Johnson Crane Hire - Regional Manager, Branch Manager, Sales Manager, Senior Mobile Crane inspector and Safety Officer
I spent 23 years learning to be a Crane and lifting specialist, with being a team player being the most important aspect of being successful.
Kemach Equipment - Product Specialist, Earth Moving Equipment

Interests & Hobbies:

Golf 12 handicap
Beer fermentation craft beer, Tapache, Kombucha
Fermented Chili source
Fermenting Kefer
Land Rover restoration
Antique furniture restoration
Gardening, Lawn fanatic and DIY Underground Irrigation

Current location:  Gauteng, South Africa - View on map
Nationality: British
Spoken languages: Afrikaans, english, Flemish, Zulu
