Experienced CX & Warehouse Operations Manager


Business centric employee with vast experience in Customer Satisfaction, business management, retail & warehouse. With years of experience in multiple department of business, my goal is to contribute towards running a successful cost-cutting and profitable business.

Serial No: 191831
Skills keywords: customer relations, customer services, marketing and communication, retail, warehouse management

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Post Graduate in Business Management.
Bachelor of Commerce
•Customer Experience
•Warehouse Operations
•Retail Operations
•Inventory Management
•Inventory Control
•Customer Relationships
•Retail Marketing

Previous Employment Details:

Customer Experience & Warehouse Operations Manager at Pangln Retail Pvt Ltd from July 2023 till Present

•Managing end to end customer experience management includes customer services, social media response, crisis management, customer relations.
•Managing warehouse operations such as stock inventory, distribution of goods, procurement, logistics and sales.
•Complaint management.
•Training & Development of new joiners.
• Drafting of business policies & Operations SOP’s.

Interests & Hobbies:

My interest in reading cook books around the world & i love long distance biking. Also i love physically challenging jobs which can help me stay fit and health.

Current location:  Maharashtra, India - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Spoken languages: english
