Customer service looking for work in United Kingdom


Self-motivated individual offering excellent skills in guest relations and upselling products and services. Engaging wait staff member with ability to articulate and help customers make menu choices. Pursuing similar position where skills in conflict resolution will be embraced.
Skilled Waitress adept at operating in fast-paced environments with demanding objectives for sales, service and quality. Talent for adapting to changing menus and policies, as well as handling customer issues. Analytical problem-solver adept at managing time and preparing for future guests with efficient side work.
Talented individual with desire to make guests feel welcome. Energetic personality coupled with strong work ethic. Eager to demonstrate advanced skills in food safety and customer service to new, rewarding opportunity.

Serial No: 191437
Skills keywords: customer services, hard working, hospitality, it infrastructure support, waitress

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Communication: Effectively communicating with customers to understand their orders and preferences, as well as conveying information about menu items and specials.

Interpersonal Skills: Building rapport with customers to provide a welcoming and enjoyable dining experience, and collaborating effectively with team members to ensure smooth operations.

Problem-Solving: Quickly addressing any issues or concerns raised by customers, such as incorrect orders or dissatisfaction with food quality, to resolve them promptly and maintain customer satisfaction.

Attention to Detail: Paying close attention to orders to ensure accuracy, as well as maintaining cleanliness and organization in the dining area and behind the counter.

Time Management: Prioritizing tasks effectively to handle multiple responsibilities, such as taking orders, preparing food, processing payments, and cleaning, within a fast-paced environment.

Adaptability: Being able to adjust to changing circumstances, such as fluctuations in customer traffic or unexpected issues with equipment, while maintaining high standards of service and efficiency.

Stress Management: Remaining calm and composed under pressure, especially during busy periods or when dealing with challenging customers, to ensure continued professionalism and quality service.

Teamwork: Collaborating with colleagues to support each other in completing tasks and serving customers efficiently, as well as fostering a positive work environment.

Hygiene and Food Safety: Following proper procedures for food handling, storage, and preparation to maintain hygiene standards and prevent foodborne illnesses.

Salesmanship: Using persuasive techniques to upsell additional items or promotions to customers, thereby increasing sales and contributing to the profitability of the business.

Cash Handling: Demonstrating accuracy and integrity in handling cash transactions, including counting money, providing change, and reconciling sales at the end of shifts.

Product Knowledge: Having a thorough understanding of the menu offerings, including ingredients, cooking methods, and dietary information, to answer customer questions and make informed recommendations.

Customer Relationship Management: Building and maintaining positive relationships with regular customers, recognizing and addressing their preferences, and fostering loyalty to the establishment.

Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting diversity and cultural differences among customers, including dietary restrictions or preferences, and ensuring inclusivity and sensitivity in interactions.

Computer Skills: Proficiency in using point-of-sale systems and other technology tools for processing orders, managing inventory, and generating reports to support business operations.

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading, traveling, swimming, running, workout.
I like to play video games,
Enjoy walking and playing with my dog,
listen to music,
I love riding bicycle with my friends and exploring new places

Current location:  Brazil - View on map
Nationality: Brazilian
Spoken languages: english, portuguese
