Job Description Retail Operations Manager

Job Title

Retail Operations Manager

Line Manager/ Reports to

Insert as applicable e.g. Director

Team/ Department

Insert as applicable


Head office in Braintree and such other stores and location that may be required of the job role

Website details can be inserted here

Job Ref & about the organisation  

Social Media info etc 

Core Objectives

Responsibility for the development, performance and maintenance of the retail operations of the organisation, to produce efficient operations and delivery solutions, maximising performance and profitability against pre-agreed targets.


Main Tasks/duties and responsibilities 



Responsibility to staff and direct the team to:

– manage the development, performance and maintenance of the retail operations of the organisation, to produce efficient operations and delivery solutions, maximising performance and profitability against pre-agreed targets.

– ensuring that the team understands that the organisation’s profits are reflected in all its retail operations and activities

– responsibility to adhere to budgets and plan to maximise profitability

– meet your targets and those of the team  and organisation as a whole

– contribute to the efficient running of the team and organisation as a whole

– contribute to training and development of the team, retail mangers and the organisation as a whole

– assist Line Manager in achieving maximum customer satisfaction in accordance with organisation plans

– maintain responsibility for performing all duties in compliance with related legal/statutory, regulations, professional duties, responsibilities and obligations  and insert as applicable


Day to day responsibilities agreed with your Manager, to include:

– manage, direct and monitor retail operations and the overall performance of the retail operations of the organisation to increase efficiency and maximise performance and profit

– effective liaison, support and assistance with the whole of the organisation

– maintain and improve mechanisms for retail including surveying and measuring the operations, process, outcomes and profitability and disseminate feedback to the appropriate internal entities

– utilise agreed retail systems to manage the retail  functions, analysis and documenting

– direct the development of plans for operations to include management to achieve targets

– developing plans for business progress and growth

– support to all other departments with any related issues

– subject to agreed criteria, recruitment, training, set action and targets, appraise and manage performance, development, coaching and general support of all team members and organisation  as a whole to ensure targets are met

– reporting (content and format as agreed) on a monthly basis as agreed

– assist in developing plans for team and organisation activities to include strategy to achieve agreed targets

– delegate authority and responsibility to team and organisation  as a whole with supervision, accountability and review

– manage and maintain contact with internal and external “customers”

– set an example for team members and organisation as a whole of commitment, application of retail knowledge, work ethics and habits and personal character

– maintain accurate records

– responsibly use resources and control expenses to meet agreed  budgetary controls

– adhere to all organisation policies and procedures

– interact and co-operate with all members of the organisation and its suppliers and customers

From time to time you may be expected to be part of special projects as are reasonably required of your job role.

You are responsible for your allocated workload and must meet all targets as agreed with your Line Manager. You must contribute towards the smooth running of the organisation generally.


Your usual hours will be from 8am to 6pm. However you will be expected to work as and when necessary to meet the needs of the team and your targets.

Insert as appropriate Your job will be a mixture of travel and store based.

Secondary Tasks/duties





The role is part of the whole organisation team and as such requires you to perform such reasonable tasks that are required, as and when necessary, to maintain, promote, develop and expand the business of our organisation and its interests generally.


You must carry out your duties to the best of your ability, having consideration for the needs of your colleagues, the organisation and its customers. You must obey all lawful and reasonable orders given to you and comply with the organisation’s rules, procedures and policies

Management / supervisory responsibilities



People or equipment


People who report to you

You are responsible for the team members who will all report directly to you



You are responsible for the equipment provided to you for use in your job role and to your team. This means you must ensure that equipment is used in accordance with training provided, the entire organisation’s policies and procedures and the law and using, where applicable, any safety equipment or Personal Protective Equipment provided. You are responsible for ensuring that the equipment used by the team is maintained and can be used/operated at all times.

Essential Abilities/ Competencies of this job role

You need:

– qualifications sufficient to perform the job role – insert as applicable

– languages required – insert as applicable e.g.  English, Mandarin

– experience in this type of job role – insert as applicable e.g.  minimum 5 years

– good understanding of retail operations and  management, requirements and dynamics

– to be able to use software – insert specific software if required

– ability in retail operations and management and customer/supplier relationship management

– leadership with ability to drive a team

– proven ability to coach and develop others

– high degree of integrity and honesty in all dealings

– excellent analytical, interpersonal, organisational and communication skills.

– ability to work under pressure

– full driving licence

Insert anything else as required


You need to have and maintain (with regular training and updates as necessary) the knowledge, technical skills and qualifications that are necessary to perform your job role to comply with the requirements of the organisation and any applicable rules, regulations, (particularly of any professional body) and with any law which applies to your job role.

Special working Conditions

You may be expected to work in accordance with the organisation’s overtime policies.

Insert following if applicable – The nature of your role will require you to travel within the area that your team covers. However, from time to time you may be expected to travel outside that area as the job role requires.


Salary level C – £45,000
Benefits insert details of any benefits

Approved by Name

John Smith

Job Role

Insert details as applicable

Date approved

