Sourcing suitable healthcare workers from local and national markets is becoming increasingly difficult. As global shortages take hold, sourcing from our international pools is also a challenge.
The message from Skills Provision is clear:
Many private care homes are facing closure due to the fact they cannot hire suitably qualified staff. Taking proactive steps now will certainly help in the future.
Our advice, recruit well, then do everything in your power to keep staff morale high.
The main problem in the healthcare sector stems from historical issues, these were poor pay combined with the mental and physical rigours of the job. Today the sector is not viewed favourably by young workers.
At Skills Provision we offer realistic advice to the employer, thankfully our messages are being heard. It is not all doom and gloom, we have the resources, availability and systems in place to source suitably qualified staff, we just need enough time to deal with large orders.
We offer various manpower solutions, these are:
If you would like more information on our international healthcare employment services, please get in touch at the earliest opportunity, you can do this by emailing, or filling out a website contact form. Please note, all enquiries are dealt with in a prompt, professional and confidential manner.