Full-Time Overseas Employment Agency

Skills Provision is a specialist full-time overseas employment agency. Our organisation is placing job seekers into meaningful employment around the world.


Full time employment


Our state-of-the-art technological systems, supported by a large database of available workers, allow us to source and place candidates with ease.

Job Seekers

If you are interested in working overseas you need to register on our website at the earliest opportunity.

Please follow these guidelines:

  • Upload an up to date CV/Resume
  • During the registration process, please understand more detailed information is better than less
  • Fully showcase your ability by providing a compelling case to a would-be employer
  • Upload a suitable, in date, portrait photograph
  • Take note of our tips and advice on the registration form

All entries passing validation are rewarded with a bespoke online profile. These pages are widely viewed by employers and generate lots of enquiries.


If you need full-time skilled or unskilled labour, you should contact our agency as soon as possible. We have the capability to source single workers or large groups. Whatever the requirement we have the capability to deliver.

All we require is:

  • Ample time to source, screen and process suitable candidates
  • A detailed job description
  • A fair and reasonable package offered

Skills Provision specialise in placing remote workers for more details speak to one of our representatives.

If your business is struggling for manpower, please contact our full-time overseas employment agency today. You can do this by emailing enquiries@skills-provision.com or utilise one of our website forms.
