Factory Worker Recruitment

Globally, Skills Provision place 1000’s of factory workers on an annual basis. The vast majority of these are placed under permanent or temporary contracts.

Factory recruitment

Preparation and planning are vitally important when dealing with a large number of workers. Factories that have high manpower churn rates need available replacements, sometimes instantly. This area is a particular strength for Skills Provision, we introduce manpower streams so factory output levels remain unaffected.

On large projects we are looked upon as business partners, one where we fully understand our remit and responsibilities.

With recruitment the most important tasks come at the beginning:

  • Collating relevant information
  • Understanding the requirement
  • Salary & benefits
  • Deliverable time frames

Get these right and the processes that follow usually run smoothly.

Because our Placement Team source suitable manpower from any location, they often place a large number of workers into our Client Zones.

By concentrating on suitability, manpower churn rates are often lowered, this in turn reduces hiring costs.

For more details on our international factory recruitment services please email enquiries@skills-provision.com or utilise our website forms.

A member of staff will be on-hand to deal with your enquiry.
