Advance Search

When interviewing you need to be mindful of the jurisdiction in which you are recruiting. In many areas, it is perfectly acceptable and legal to ask questions that would be inappropriate in other locations. Make sure you understand what is or is not permissible where you are operating.

What follows is guidance applicable in most western jurisdictions where legislation exists protecting the rights of the individual.

  1. Plan the process at the start, including interview dates and make these known to the candidates as early as possible. Ensure all personnel involved know what they need to do, by when, and are available when required.
  2. Make sure you allot enough time to plan and prepare for the interviews.  Spend time reading through applications carefully, prepare for interviews thoroughly and agree questions.
  3. Make sure you make a positive impression of the company from the first interaction to the last step of the process. For example, respond to all candidates, treat them with respect, manage their expectations, get back to them when you say you will.
  4. Expect the candidate to arrive early, make sure someone is ready to greet them and look after them until the allotted time.
  5. Allot adequate time between each interview to discuss the candidate with the other interview panel members, for refreshment breaks and unexpected overruns.
  6.  Ideally, have two people on the interview panel, one to ask questions and the other to write notes.
  7. Stay legal, don’t ask questions that are illegal and as much as possible, ask all the candidates the same questions.
  8. Watch the body language to assess how open and honest candidates are.
  9. Make sure there is time for candidates to ask questions at the end.

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