Sales and Marketing specialist seeking work abroad


I grew up learning IT apart from what I studied, thus using various online platforms as never been an issue as I adapt fast with any environment and bring out the best results. I am a self learner but can cooperate easily with others to achieve company goals. I have leadership skills that helps in communication and solve various disputes facing my team members.

Serial No: 189961
Skills keywords: digital marketing specialist, marketing negotiating, marketing strategy, product marketing, sales management

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Certificate of Microcomputer Application
Certificate of Basic Graphic Design
Digital Marketing skills gained by self learning
Humanitarian Certification

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Interests & Hobbies:

Football, Basketball, Swimming, Video games, I love searching new IT tools, Nature explorer, Entrepreneurship activities, Humanitarian work for different people

Current location:  Dar es Salam, Tanzania - View on map
Nationality: Tanzania
Spoken languages: english, france, Swahili
