Internationally experienced Greek QA and QC

Serial No: 16006
Skills keywords: mechanical/welding engineer, qa-qc manager
Current location:  Decentralized Administration of Macedonia and Thrace, Greece - View on map
Nationality: GREEK
Spoken languages: english, Greek, POOR FRENCH, POOR GERMAN


BSc in Mechanical Engineering at Portsmouth Polytechnic, England

MSc in Welding Technology and Management at Aston University in Birmingham, England

Auditor of ISO 9000/2000 quality system

Radiographic film Interpreter

Member of Greek institution of chartered engineers No:52262

Member of Saudi institution of Mechanical engineers


2012-DEC 13 SAUDI ARCHIRODON(Works Contractor)

QA/QC Manager of Saudi Aramco’s Yanbu Export Refinery project,

NGL Terminal facilities, SP-7($ 103 million),with main


1.Implementation of IMS assuring policies,objectives,targets and

standards are met.

2.Provide overall management of project quality assurance/control

during procurement and construction phases.

3.Manage efforts to resolve quality issues and make improvements

to quality activities.

4.Participate in audits and follow up recommendations

5.Approve Contractor’s quality organization and monitor performance

of key QA/QC staff.

6.Review and approve Contractor’s Quality plan and inspection and test plans(ITPs)

7.Monitor the implementation of method statements and ITPs ensuring that all necessary quality records are generated.

8.Assess quality systems of suppliers and subcontractors

9.Reports quality issues and prepares periodic reports to

Project manager.

2010-March 12 TECHNICAS REUNIDAS S.A(EPCm Contractor)

QA/QC Manager of area A2 of the Elefsis Refinery

upgrade($ 620 million) Project in Elefsis-Greece,with main

responsibilites :

1. Implementation of the quality management system

2. Review of ITP’s,method of statements,procedures

3. Monitor,issue and close out of NCR’s

4. To manage QCengineers and inspectors

5. To coordinate with independent inspection bodies

6. To liaise with the Owner-client on quality matters

7. To participate in audits

8. To participate in weekly construction-commissioning-QA meetings

9. To review hydrotesting plans

10.To maintain document registers

2008 –May 10 AKTOR (Constuction Company-Works Contractor)

In AKTOR-Bulgaria branch as QA/QC Manager.Construction of a Diesel hydrodesulphurization and hydrodearomatisation unit

and a gasoline hydrodesulphurization unit at Lukoil’s refinery in Burgas-Bulgaria ($ 85 million) with main responsibilities:

1. Preparation and issue of contract Quality management plan.

2. Development and effective implementation of the project Quality systems according to contractual requirements.

3. To assess the quality control-inspection plans of subcontractors and identify any corrective measures to be taken.

4. To plan and lead(as necessary) assessment visits/audits to subcontractors.

5. To provide input and support to subcontractors.

6. To monitor subcontractors performance

7. To monitor,issue and close out of NCR’s

8. To manage QC engineers,NDT inspectors.

9. To plan and coordinate site inspections.

10. To provide solution to quality problems

11. To review the integrity of hydrotest package files

12. To maintain final documentation package to be delivered to the Client.

2002 – 2008 PENSPEN(Engineering& Management Company)

Project Management to DEPA (public gas company) for the Third European Community Support Framework.

Division:Medium pressure transmission system (MPTS) of natural Gas network in Greece.

Site Representative on behalf of owner DEPA for a number of natural gas projects (pipeline construction)as Xanthi site phase C

(12Km) ,Kilkis site (55Km), Serres site phase B(19Km) ,Kavala site(4.5Km), in northern Greece, with responsibilities to represent project management team at site, to manage the activities of the Contractor, supervising engineer, inspector and to coordinate works interfaces at construction site.

1997 – 2002 TUV HELLAS RWTUV S.A.(Inspection Agency)

In TUV HELLAS (RWTUV) S.A. at shop and Site Inspection

Department as:

• Senior/Pipeline field Inspector of DEPA’S natural gas project in northern Greece, High pressure branches Serres – Kavala (123 km) and Kavala – Komotini (97 Km) with main responsibilities the interpretation of radiographs,the review of other NDT’s applied etc.

• Senior/Pipeline field Inspector of DEPA’S natural gas progect medium pressure branches at Serres and Xanthi in northern Greece.

• Inspector for pressure containing equipment as boilers, vessels, storage tanks, piping.

• Inspector for Welding procedures and Welder qualifications (various projects).

• Inspector for lifting Equipment.

• Auditor of ISO 9000 quality systems.


In Phosphorous Fertilizers Industry (PFI S.A.) as:

• Deputy head of Construction and development department involved in design, works supervision and quality control of various projects as fertilizers conveying systems, construction and repair of Acid storage tanks, Ammonia storage tanks, repair of Ammonia plant equipment, retubing of heat exchangers and others.

• Deputy head of the Sulphuric Acid units maintenance department responsible for the repair and maintenance of all mechanical installation of the sulphuric acid units as absorption towers, acid storage tanks, furnaces, pumps piping, heat exchangers etc.


In Hellenic Airspace Industry (HAI) as welding engineer in the

Engineering department responsible for welding procedures and

repairs on military aircrafts and aircraft engines, improvement of

welding techniques,development of welded aircraft parts,selection of

welding materials,welding failure analyst etc.


Speaking Reading Writing

Greek Excellent Excellent Excellent

English Excellent Excellent Excellent

French Poor Poor Poor


