Experienced UK based Sous Chef

Serial No: 15125
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  England, United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: FIJIAN
Spoken languages: english, FIJIAN

Education And Qualifications
Level 2 NVQ in Hospitality, Food Preparation and Cooking, City and Guilds (2003)

Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering (2003)

Level 2 award Health and Safety in the Workplace (2013)

Health & Hygiene Certificate (2003)

Numeracy Level 1 (2014)

Chef – Royal Logistics Corps (2003 to present)
I have catered for 1000 clients three times a day including special dietary needs and within tight time constraints and often in hostile environments. I was also involved in the success of key events such as Summer Balls and VIP dinners at home and abroad. These events were attended by commanding officers and other high ranking staff.
-Prepare and cook fresh foods on every meal.

-Make sure that the food is ready on time.

-Make sure that customers are satisfied with the service they receive from us.

-Ensure that the food is well presented before being served to the customers.

-Check that food rotation is done in relation to the date it is being delivered.

-Ensure the food preparation area is clean and tidy every time.

