eCommerce retail product project manager/analyst


Skilled in hiring talented people, creating teams, training and leading them. Frequently invited as a manager for building and revising complicated processes. Builded distribution data-driven system for 2 800 retail stores (+7% revenue on same sales area). Created strategy for efficient scaling of private label ODM business (gained 10% of country market share).

Serial No: 193978
Skills keywords: business analyst, head of procurement, product management, technical project manager

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

13 years of experience in enterprise retail business (companies revenue 10 billions USD). Familiar with all main processes of launching commercial and IT projects. My commitment to the objective assessment of managerial decisions and processes necessitated an in-depth study of python and contemporary data processing libraries.

Previous Employment Details:

Category director (Technodom, LLC)
-formed and implemented a plan for transforming the company's commercial processes
-integrated ML management systems into decision-making chains
-developed the company's commercial strategy based on self-balancing systems
- unified and simplified the mechanism of interaction between partners and company

CPO (HyperC, LLC)
- responsible for launching key company services
-supply chain managing system for e-commerce
- creating product vision and interaction interfaces, lead development team

Director of retail commercial analytics and operation department (DNS, LLC)
- implemented tribe model management for project teams (3-times increased speed of MVP launch)
- launched auto-distribution system (+7% revenue, -10% of dead commodity assets)
- launched auto-repricing system (+0.3% GMROI)
- launched new offline store concept (-11% OpEx, same revenue)

Interests & Hobbies:

playing guitar, design electronic, built smart home system based on arduino modules. Interesting in new technologies and applying them in real life. Like cars and tuning.

Current location:  Almaty, Kazakhstan - View on map
Nationality: Russian
Spoken languages: english, russian
