Doctor of Pharmacy


Skilled pharmacist with Passion. My educational background with extensive experience in medication management and commitment on staying updated to industry advancement. My dedication to excellence and continuing learning drives me to deliver exceptional services and contribute positively to healthcare community.
On the base of strong communication skills, Sale and marketing of any product is my favourite.

I am adept professional skilled in sale, marketing and management and administration. With a Proven record of driving revenue growth developing effective marketing strategies and streamlining administrative process, I bring unique blend of leadership and operational expertise to the table.My ability to Inspire team, foster creativity enables me to achieve organisational goals and objectives effectively.

Serial No: 193541
Skills keywords: office management, pharmaceutical sales, retail management, sales team leadership, warehouse management

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

I have done 5 years of Bachelor in PHARMACY.
I possess strong communication skills allowing me to interact effectively with others.
I have strong critical thinking skills that enables to assess me Patients needs.
My problem Solving skills and abilities come in handy for addressing any issue that arise.

In addition to Pharamcy skills, i excel in sale. Communication skills allow me to engage with customer.

Persuasive skills enable me to highlight the benefits of products in need to boost the sale.

I am adept at building rapport with customer ensuring positive shopping that helps me in increasing the sale and developing business

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading about advancement in pharmaceutical industry.

Attending seminar or conferences.

Volunteering at health related event.

Studying about immigration rules of every Country.

Current location:  Punjab, Pakistan - View on map
Nationality: Pakistani
Spoken languages: Basic Norsk, english, punjabi, Urdu
