British Communications Officer

Serial No: 15452
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: British
Spoken languages: Basic French, english


Open University 2014-2018

– Bsc (Hons) Sport, Fitness and Coaching

South Gloucestershire and Stroud College 2013-2014

– NVQ Level 2 Spectator Safety

Worcester College of Technology 2010-2011

– AutoCAD Foundation OCN

– Use of the layer, colour, line type and line weight conventions

– Draw to a multi-scale, using model space and layouts (model viewports & paper space)

– Plot scaled drawings including DWF and PDF formats


Leukaemia CARE Leukaemia CARE, Worcester Communications Officer November 2012- Present

– Extend and develop the visibility and reputation of Leukaemia CARE by coordinating PR, marketing, branding, communications and advertising requirements for the charity, using external agencies and freelance staff as appropriate.

– Take responsibility for the Leukaemia CARE website, its content and maintenance using a CMS.

– In charge of all social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest), its content and media monitoring.

– Record all data via the CRM.

– Monitor Google Analytics and current Google Adwords campaigns.

– Write and distribute press releases in a planned and focused way, ensuring that the charity communicates effectively both internally and externally.

– Using software such as InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop to produce flyers, brochures, banners, posters etc.

England Touch Association Voluntary, Home-based PR/Marketing Director October 2013- Present

– Effectively communicate England Touch’s activities and facilities to attract members, funds and other resources.

– Raise the awareness and profile of England Touch throughout the Touch playing and wider sporting community.

– Enhance the reputation of England Touch and create opportunities for sponsorship and partnerships between the sport and other organisations.

– Take responsibility for the England Touch website, its content and maintenance.

– Manage all England Touch’s social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to increase engagement activity and increase participation levels.

Worcester Warriors, Worcester Safety Steward September 2013- Present

– Escort Players

– Provide stewarding support across several areas

– Checking tickets

– Direct supporters and monitor crowds

– Provide general guidance to the public

– Car Park Stewarding

Compco Fire Systems Compco Fire Systems, Worcester Technical Sales Engineer/Design Engineer October 2010- November 2012

– Assess scope of works of enquiries (ranging from small works to major projects).

– Carry out site surveys

– Cost and assess values of contracts

– Prepare tender documentation and presentations

– Attend post tender meetings with Technical sales staff

– Conduct hand over meetings to contract teams

– Design sprinkler system including dimensions and pipework layouts with the use of AutoCAD

Santander Group Plc Santander, Cheltenham

Personal Banking Advisor May 2007-July 2008 & August 2009-October 2010

– Engaging, approachable and dedicated to customer service.

– Expertly match each customer’s needs to the right products before securing the sale or referring on to the appropriate colleague (Mortgage or Investment).

– Dealing with customers from across a wide customer base, each day brought variety and a new challenge.

– Proven targeted sales experience and understanding of financial products and solutions to support and coach other members of the work force, playing a key role in ensuring business is transacted efficiently within the branch.

– Completed financial transactions daily (cash, cheque, telegraphic) developing a sound level of numerical competence.

Bushwackers Sin & Bushwackers, Worcester

Bar Supervisor August 2008- August 2009

– Involved in the setting of targets and objectives, and to monitor and strive for their achievement.

– Input new ideas for service and products to maintain competitive and leading edge.

– Effective communicator with guests/clients and at all levels of the venue.

– Support the Bar Manager in the implementing and/or following of procedures concerning recording of stock movements e.g. correct charging of items, billing.

– Ensure stock items behind the bars are always within expiry date.

– Assist the Bar Manager in the smooth running of the club.

– Have clear working knowledge of all company policies and operate within them at all times.

– Undertake any other duties as and when required by Senior Management.

Advance Leisure Nunnery Wood Sports Complex, Worcester

Activity Co-ordinator June 2005-May 2007

– Work with a wide range of age groups to ensure inclusive activities for all.

– Responsible for the health and safety of participants at all times.

– Plan and organise 6-week activity programme to implement through summer holiday periods across Worcestershire Advance Leisure centres.


