CV,Chemical,Process Engineer Seeking Role To Achieve Chartered Status

Serial No: 23733
Skills keywords: analytical problem solving, optimisation engineering
Current location:  Gauteng, South Africa - View on map
Nationality: South African
Spoken languages: Afrikaans, english, Learning German


Secondary Education: High School Jeugland,
Prefect of 2004 (Appendix A)

Tertiary Education: Bachelor in Chemical Engineering University of Pretoria (Appendix B)

Skills, Interests & Activities

Computer Literacy: Microsoft® Office – Specialised in Excel, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, ArcGIS, Albion (CAD/GIS), MATLAB, Octave, Aspen Process Simulator, Hydrosim (Hydrological Simulator), Linux OS systems

Active Involvement: Family, Education, Road and trail running, IChemE/SAChE member; working towards chartered status.

Current Interests: Analytic chemistry and bio-technical engineering applied in commercial water systems and ecological systems,

Natural ways of utilising water resources in existing or developing systems and the optimisation thereof,

The innovation and implementation of modern technological systems that functions in consonance with natural eco-systems

1. Maximiser – Striving for excellence, developing, optimising and improving

2. Connectedness – Aware of the bigger picture, bringing harmony in Leadership

3. Relator – Value relations/connections, bridge builder and peace keeper

4. Belief – Strong conviction and opinions, adding meaning to activities

5. Self-Assurance – Confidence in ability to bounce back, taking calculated risks

I would like to continue learning about whatever interests me from pharmaceutical chemistry to farming. I am a quick learner, resourceful and a good problem solver within various group dynamics. I have excellent leadership capabilities and possess the capacity to delegate operations efficiently while acknowledging and understanding technical constraints or opportunities.

Career Summary

Utility Information Services
[October 2013 – current employment]

UIS is predominantly an electrical engineering consulting company that also provide services such as electrical meter reading and auditing. UIS has been contracted for various projects in Mpumalanga and Gauteng of which I was assigned to the Johannesburg/ITRON Smart Meter roll-out project.

Job title: Data Analyst/ Project Manager

Duties and responsibilities:

 Client relations and deliverable clarity,

 Data mining and management using MS Excel, SQL, GIS etc.

 Route planning, sub-contractor management,

 Quality control management,

 Risk assessment and mitigation,

 Field data consolidation and quality control for client systems update,

 Generating progress, performance and scheduling reports.

I was assigned to a project aimed at recovering excessive revenue loss on large power users throughout Johannesburg. The project had various challenges from administrative to resource structuring and allocation.

Job title: Project Developer and Optimiser

Duties and responsibilities:

 Attending daily meetings with all stakeholders to report progress

 Reporting on a weekly basis to client and contractor MD’s

 Restructuring and assigning of appropriate resources

 Ensuring effective implementation of optimised structure

 Contract management

 Stock management

Reasons for leaving:

 Seeking opportunity in my field (Process Engineering),

 Experience working abroad,

 Balanced lifestyle.

NCP ChlorChem
[multiple intervals – six months total]

NCP is a leading producer of water treatment chemicals in South Africa and has been for over 60 years. These chemicals include Chloride, Caustic soda and other Chloride derivatives produced from sodium chloride (salt) using processes such as electrolysis.

Job title: Student Engineer

 December 2008 – January 2009.

Preformed pump specifications for different piping systems as part of the preliminary activities for the construction of a new plant. Produced a detailed technical report.

 January 2012 – February 2012 and June 2012 – July 2012.

Preformed laboratory experiments to determine ion exchange resin adequacy in removing harmful impurities prior to electrolysis. Produced a detailed technical report.

 December 2012 – February 2013.

Proposed new facilities and equipment for the refurbishment and automation of a chemical plant producing a range of water treatment flocculants. Formulated the operation logic behind the automation. Produced a detailed technical report. Preformed laboratory experiments with Atomic Absorber Spectroscopy

Reason of leaving: Temporary employment

CivEc Civil Engineering Consultants
[October 2009 – December 2011]

CivEc is a civil engineering firm located in Modderfontein, Johannesburg as well as Moreleta Park, Pretoria. CivEc (Ces) was contracted in joint venture with Aurecon to prepare a comprehensive storm water management system for the entire Ekurhuleni municipality.

Job title: Civil Hydrologist

Duties and responsibilities:

 Evaluating and updating available existing Hydrological models;

 Creating new models using aerial photos, contours, cadastral and site inspection data;

 Evaluating the results of the Hydrological model for minor storm events;

 Ranking potential flooding of the proposed system in major storm events;

 Cost estimation and prioritisation of proposed system;

 Compiling a comprehensive technical report using CAD and GIS based drawing software;

 Database integration and shape file management for system queries.

Reasons for leaving:

 To conclude my studies

 Limited growth in firm

 To gain more experience in different fields

Drakensburg Barefoot Adventures
[August 2010 – December 2011]

Drakensburg Barefoot Adventures is a company located in the Central Drakensburg providing team building events and activities.

Job title: Team facilitator

Duties and responsibilities:

 Facilitate and influence group dynamics and individual growth.

 Identify group differences and facilitate conflict management.

 Initiate activities or conversations exposing inhibitors to group progress.

Reason for leaving: Relocation and limited growth in company

Sasol ChemCity
[December 2007 – January 2008]

Sasol ChemCity is a subsidiary of Sasol that acts as a business incubator for small to medium ventures. They investigate business opportunities, conduct feasibility studies and provide financial support. I was assigned to the waste management team where I received three research projects.

Job title: Student Engineer

It was required of me to write a report and present my results. The tree different projects were:

 Creating work through eliminating imports

Epichlorohydrin is a chemical intermediate used in South Africa as a water treatment chemical. I was responsible for an overall feasibility study focusing on market circumstances and preliminary economics.

 New tyre recycling technologies

Rubber is not bio-degradable, creating an environmental problem. I was assigned to do an overall study of the current available technologies to reclaim rubber.

 Plant improvement

ASP Plateau uses human waste sludge to produce fertilizer. I investigated the various possible augmentations to plant equipment and procedures to increase efficiency.


Community Involvement

Part of the bachelor’s degree in engineering at UP required all students to complete a community based project. As project leader my responsibilities entailed budget planning, client relation and human resource management. Our project entailed upgrading and renewing the black boards of Boschkop Primary School, a previously disadvantaged farm school in Donkerhoek, Gauteng. Feel free to visit the blog website at:

MOTE – Mission Outreach Training Exposure

I was involved in outreaches to communities in Maun, Botswana and Dabel, Kenya. We provided general assistance with building renovations and support to local church activities.
