Working electrical technician at Kuwait(4 year). I already worked Thelungana, Andra, Pondicheri, Orissa in India. I have two year experience in mobile shop. I prefer to doing a work qualified or any other.
1)ITI(Diploma): Instrumental mechanic (SIIT , Thalayolaparambu, Kottayam) 2) VHSE(Vocational higher secondary): Civil construction and maintenance (St'Thomas VHSE Pannivzha) 3) SSLC: State board of India
1) Technician: IOCL PARADIP OIL AND REFINERY(September 2015)
2) Technician: Singreni Thermal Power plant Ltd( August 2014_September 2015)
3) Electrical Technician:Al- Adhan Hospital project Kuwait.
4) Electrical Technician:Alghanim j3 Project Kuwait .
I like learning new skills and recently I have been interested in exploring different languages as they help me explore new cultures around the Traveling is one of my hobby because I love discovering new cities and places around the world.